Case Management Services

Twenty-one percent of Americans ages 65 and older are visually impaired or blind. Many of these older adults feel isolated and lack the independence and mobility they desire because of their vision loss.

With over 120 years of providing direct services to the blind and visually impaired community, CLB is well placed to provide a focused program to inform and educate older adults with vision loss and provide resources, activities and support services.

For the above reasons, CLB developed Case Management Services that offers seniors the ability to reconnect with family, friends and the world around them by teaching independent living skills, orientation and mobility training, and by providing assistive technology, computer training and support services. Additional services include support sessions with the client’s family members, loved ones, and assisted living facility staff to help them understand the challenges and opportunities that affect blind and low vision people as they age.

Is vision loss interfering with your life or causing problems for someone you know? Even when you can not regain your vision, you can retain your independence. Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind can help those with visual impairments.

CLB professionals meet with you to design a program tailored to meet your individual needs. Rehabilitation and mobility instructors lead you through hands-on practice in successfully facing daily challenges including managing household chores, traveling in the community and managing personal finances.

Email or call 202-454-6400 for more information.

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